Botulinum Toxin (AKA Anti-Wrinkle Injections) is injected into the superficial layers of the skin allowing us to target specific muscles which temporarily restricts their movement. This allows the overlying skin to repair the ageing process and signs of wrinkles, resulting in a smooth – young wrinkle free appearance.
The muscles are temporarily relaxed. The effects of the treatment lasts between 3-6 months. Anti-Wrinkle Injections trains the muscles to relax. So over time, any lines and wrinkles will become less evident. Anti-Wrinkle Injections are safe for almost everyone.
We treat the following areas :
- Frontalis (horizontal forehead lines when your eyebrows are raised)
- Crows Feet (smiling lines around the eyes)
- Depressor Anguli Oris (sad lines)
- Mentalis (orange peel chin)
- Smokers Lines
- Gummy Smile
- Glabella Lines (frown lines)
- Bunny Lines (bridge of the nose)
Each of the above areas are priced as one area